
the SURFACES have surfaced!

out now: >SURFACES - reviewing düsseldorf<.
compiled and published by surfaces T&C. not by us.
more than 300 pages filled to the brim with graffiti from DÜSSELDORF.
strictly limited to just one hundred copies!
available only at Supreme Store/Wehrhahn 96.

included: a fresh PLEASURE GÄNG retrospective.

check the SURFACES blog for more pictures.


urbanity exposed!

we're taking part in a group exhibition at the notorious PRETTY PORTAL with the imaginative title "URBAN EXPO".

alongside a roster of quite renowned other artists, as the flyer tells you.

we did a few new pieces especially for the show, so don't miss 'em!

the show opens up this friday, November 28 at 19:00.
and it runs until December 23, 2008.

Brunnenstrasse 12
40223 Düsseldorf-Bilk.
Germany in the EU.


glow in the dark gäng!

we painted the infamous HOTEL SHANGHAI in Essen this weekend.

as you can see: we used magical colors. they glow in the dark! unbelievable!


platinum pleasure! work in progress...

you remember CLAY PLEASURE?

well, Mr. Karstiess is an alchemist and turned that clay into platinum!

here a few impressions of Mr. Karstiess' work in progress in Wettersstrasse, Düsseldorf-Flingern.

just don't tag on that wall. please.


safe sex!

we gave two little graffiti workshops this weekend, at a youth conference of Kindernothilfe on AIDS.

the kids had fun, we had fun, Petrus was merciful. it's really getting cold though.


cruisin' and hustlin'...

a paint job done a while ago in a store for young fashion.


new shirts!

we've got some new shirts in our shop.
check them out!

all shirts are handprinted by ourselves on finest American Apparel-blanks in the DRUCKBAR.

all colors, all sizes available. girlies and regulars.

price: just 29 EUR. [plus shipping]

drop us a line if you're interested:
info (ät) pleasuregang.com


sneak preview: the book of SURFACES!

out soon: >SURFACES - reviewing düsseldorf<.
compiled and published by surfaces T&C.
more than 300 pages filled to the brim with graffiti from DÜSSELDORF.
strictly limited to just one hundred copies. out on the 1st of december.
available only at Supreme Store/Wehrhahn 96.

included: a fresh PLEASURE GÄNG retrospective.

here a few "making of"- impressions. photos were taken by tim himself.