The sparkling lense...
Enough with the website recommendations already? No - this is a must!
Our very good compañero Alex Wurm (who happens to be one of the best photographers we know) has his sparkling new site up. Sporting a fresh new logo. Which was done by us, of course.
Please check out his amazing work! And visit his blog, too. We're expecting quite a few interesting picture tales from the wild life of Mr Wurm...
Unser guter Freund Alex Wurm hat eine schicke neue Webseite. Mit einem schicken neuen Logo. Dazu noch einen schicken neuen Blog. Also: Anschauen!
Warum? Weil wir von seiner Arbeit immer restlos begeistert sind. (Bekannt auch aus THE PLEASURES feat. Alex Wurm, übrigens... Mehr dazu hier.)
client work,